General Pershing took note of Knights services during the war "... none [were] more efficiently and ably administered as" the K of C. Supreme Knight Martin Carmody quoted Pershing in his 50th anniversary radio address (:00:20)
(Knights of Columbus Multimedia Archives)
(Photo credit: Knights of Columbus Multimedia Archives / J.C. Hemment)
Please click here to see a trailer of the video Armed with the Faith for more about Knights' support to the military (:30)
(Knights of Columbus Multimedia Archives)
The Knights of Columbus' 1920 Pilgrimage to Metz with its trip to Lourdes was filmed. Shown in this (:01:15) clip, is the Grotto Mariebelle with the crutches on the wall and its spring.
(Knights of Columbus Multimedia Archives)
(Photo credit: Knights of Columbus Multimedia Archives / M. Branger Photographie Paris)